Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A Sackful of Dollars

Here's another comic that makes light of sexual violence. Remember people: we here at the tuba do not in any way condone punching people in the sack. HAHAH, oh wait that's hilarious. I meant punching people while you are in the sack, aka bed, aka during sextual funtercourse. Punching people in the sack, aka the testicles is still comedic GOLD, no one is here to deny that.

As I was saying, don't incorporate violence into your lovemaking, but if you must, be sure to use a safe word. A safe word, used in BDSM circles, is a short, memorable word that will immediately cause all sex play to halt when uttered by either partner. For example, my safe word is the song "The 12 Days of Christmas" sung in Swahili.

In conclusion, the word sack has many pleasant uses in todays vernacular. Humorous in any context, the word rolls off the tongue and rests delightfully on the forehead of the listener. Help make this Friday International Sack Day! Instead of getting fired, get sacked! Instead of going to sleep, hit the sack! Instead of buying a dime bag, buy a dime sack! Instead of going about your normal business, run around all day with your scrotum hanging out for all the world to see! Think on it.

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